8th November marks Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Day – and we’re celebrating!
Founded in 2015, STEM Day highlights the achievements of those leaving their mark within these vital disciplines and inspires the next generation to get involved with science and tech-based careers.
But more specifically, STEM Day also seeks to promote the continued diversification of our sector, which despite good progress being made in recent years, still finds women and minorities underrepresented within its ranks.
For example, recent research by Tech Nation has highlighted how men outnumber women two to one in the FinTech sector – and amongst the women working in the industry, only 13.5% are from minority ethnic backgrounds.
Why does diversity in STEM matter?
We, at Recordsure, believe that those at the forefront of the FinTech and RegTech spheres have the responsibility to show that women and those from underrepresented backgrounds are welcome and valued within the industry – and that the culture is shifting for the better.
Because at the end of the day, it’s only by doing so that we can expand the conversation, invite new diverse voices and ideas, and inspire the most capable technology professionals to join our exciting industry.
Wishing everyone a happy #STEMDay – here’s to a brighter future!
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